President Jokowi and PM Marape Discuss A Number of Increased Cooperation between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea

DENGGOL Talks Who He Is: bilateral security investment for investors of both countries


President Joko Widodo held a bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister (PM) of Papua New Guinea (PNG), James Marape, during his official visit to the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, on Thursday, March 31, 2022. In the warm and productive meeting, the two leaders countries discussed a number of enhancing cooperation in various fields.

One of them is cooperation in the trade sector, which will increase by 87 percent during 2021. According to President Jokowi, this increase provides hope and optimism for the economic recovery of the two countries after the Covid-19 pandemic.

“I believe there are still many opportunities that can be improved. For this reason, Indonesia is also ready to reopen the border with Papua New Guinea to restore cross-border trade and the economic pulse of the people living in border areas,” said the Head of State in his statement after the meeting.

In addition, President Jokowi also welcomed the launch of a feasibility study for the establishment of a frequency trade agreement between Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. The Head of State is of the view that the establishment of a bilateral investment agreement is important to facilitate and provide security for investors from both countries.

“In this regard, I have assigned the Minister of SOEs, the Minister of Public Works, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, and the Minister of Trade together with the Kadin delegation and Indonesian businessmen to carry out trade and investment missions in PNG in the near future,” he said.

On the occasion, the two leaders also exchanged views on the importance of strengthening connectivity between the two countries on land, sea and air. President Jokowi hopes that the opportunities for Indonesian construction companies to build connectivity facilities and infrastructure in Papua New Guinea will widen.

“In the defense sector, I hope that the implementation of the cooperation agreement in the defense sector will open up more opportunities for military cooperation between the two countries. This includes the potential for cooperation covering the Indonesian defense industry,” said the President.

Regarding cooperation in the health sector, President Jokowi said that Indonesia is ready to support Papua New Guinea’s efforts to strengthen its national resilience in the health sector through a partnership between the food and drug authorities of the two countries. In addition, the President continued, Indonesian pharmaceutical companies have also shown interest in marketing their products in the Papua New Guinea market

“We also discussed the synergy between the two countries to increase cooperation with South Pacific countries, including in the fields of sustainable development, climate change, renewable energy, maritime affairs, disaster management, which are challenges for island nations in the Pacific,” said the President.

“Indonesia’s attention to Pacific countries is also manifested by the invitation of Pacific representatives to the G20 summit,” he said. Meanwhile, PM Marape in his statement also welcomed Indonesia’s invitation to Pacific countries to be involved in the G20 summit. PM Marape also hopes that Indonesia can carry out the G20 presidency as well as possible.

“We wish Indonesia the best in holding the G20 Presidency this year. We are also grateful that Indonesia has invited members.

 Also accompanying President Jokowi in the bilateral meeting are Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud Md., Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir, Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi, and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Mahendra Siregar.

Meanwhile PM Marape was accompanied by PNG’s Minister of State-Owned Enterprises William Duma, PNG’s Minister of Defense Win Daki Bakri, PNG’s Minister of Forestry Solan Mirisim, the Head of the First Administration of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville PNG Peter Tsiamalili, and the Head of Immigration of PNG Stanis Hulahau. Pacific Islands to participate in the G20 Summit,” said PM Marape.

Presiden Jokowi dan PM Marape Bahas Sejumlah Peningkatan Kerja Sama Indonesia-Papua Nugini-(ras//

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DENGGOL Bicara Siapa Dia : investasi bilateral keamanan bagi investor kedua negara


Presiden Joko Widodo menggelar pertemuan bilateral dengan Perdana Menteri (PM) Papua Nugini (PNG), James Marape, dalam kunjungan resminya ke Istana Kepresidenan Bogor, Jawa Barat, pada Kamis, 31 Maret 2022. Dalam pertemuan yang berlangsung hangat dan produktif tersebut, kedua pemimpin negara membahas sejumlah peningkatan kerja sama di berbagai bidang.

Salah satunya kerja sama di bidang perdagangan yang mengalami peningkatan sebesar 87 persen selama tahun 2021. Menurut Presiden Jokowi, peningkatan tersebut memberikan harapan dan optimisme terhadap pemulihan ekonomi kedua negara pascapandemi Covid-19.

“Saya percaya masih banyak peluang yang dapat ditingkatkan. Untuk itu Indonesia juga siap membuka kembali perbatasan dengan Papua Nugini untuk memulihkan perdagangan lintas batas dan denyut ekonomi masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah perbatasan,” ujar Kepala Negara dalam keterangannya usai pertemuan berlangsung.

Selain itu, Presiden Jokowi juga menyambut baik peluncuran studi kelayakan untuk pembentukan perjanjian perdagangan frekuensial antara Indonesia dan Papua Nugini. Kepala Negara berpandangan bahwa pembentukan perjanjian investasi bilateral penting dilakukan untuk memfasilitasi dan memberikan keamanan bagi investor kedua negara.

“Dalam kaitan ini, saya menugaskan Menteri BUMN, Menteri PU, Menteri ESDM, dan Menteri Perdagangan bersama-sama dengan delegasi Kadin dan pengusaha Indonesia untuk melakukan misi perdagangan dan investasi di PNG dalam waktu dekat,” ungkapnya.

Dalam kesempatan tersebut, kedua pemimpin negara juga bertukar pandangan mengenai pentingnya memperkuat konektivitas antara kedua negara baik di darat, laut, maupun udara. Presiden Jokowi berharap peluang bagi perusahaan-perusahaan konstruksi Indonesia untuk membangun sarana konektivitas dan infrastruktur di Papua Nugini akan makin terbuka lebar.

“Di bidang pertahanan, saya berharap implementasi perjanjian kerja sama di bidang pertahanan akan makin membuka kesempatan bagi kerja sama militer antara kedua negara. Hal ini termasuk potensi kerja sama mencakup industri pertahanan Indonesia,” ucap Presiden.

Terkait kerja sama di bidang kesehatan, Presiden Jokowi menyampaikan bahwa Indonesia siap mendukung upaya Papua Nugini untuk memperkuat ketahanan nasionalnya di bidang kesehatan melalui kemitraan antara otoritas obat dan makanan kedua negara. Selain itu, lanjut Presiden, perusahaan farmasi Indonesia juga telah menunjukkan minat untuk memasarkan produknya di pasar Papua Nugini.

“Kami juga membahas sinergi kedua negara untuk meningkatkan kerja sama dengan negara-negara Pasifik Selatan, termasuk bidang pembangunan berkelanjutan, perubahan iklim, energi terbarukan, kelautan, manajemen penanggulangan bencana yang menjadi tantangan negara-negara kepulauan di Pasifik,” kata Presiden.

“Perhatian Indonesia terhadap negara Pasifik antara lain juga diwujudkan dengan diundangnya perwakilan Pasifik dalam KTT G20,” tandasnya.Sementara itu, PM Marape dalam keterangannya turut menyambut baik undangan Indonesia kepada negara-negara Pasifik untuk ikut terlibat dalam KTT G20. PM Marape pun berharap Indonesia dapat menjalankan presidensi G20 dengan sebaik-baiknya.

“Kami berharap yang terbaik untuk Indonesia dalam memegang Presidensi G20 tahun ini. Kami juga berterima kasih Indonesia telah mengundang anggota Turut mendampingi Presiden Jokowi dalam pertemuan bilateral tersebut adalah Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan Mahfud Md., Menteri Sekretaris Negara Pratikno, Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir, Menteri Perdagangan Muhammad Lutfi, dan Wakil Menteri Luar Negeri Mahendra Siregar.

Sedangkan PM Marape didampingi oleh Menteri BUMN PNG William Duma, Menteri Pertahanan PNG Win Daki Bakri, Menteri Kehutanan PNG Solan Mirisim, Kepala Administrasi Pertama Daerah Otonomi Bougainville PNG Peter Tsiamalili, dan Kepala Imigrasi PNG Stanis Hulahau. Kepulauan Pasifik untuk ikut serta dalam KTT G20,” ucap PM Marape.Sumber Humas Kemensetneg-(ras//


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